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My art is rooted in a love of drawing and mark making and my lifelong interest in landscape and the natural world.


The paintings, drawings and prints I create are inspired by the world around me. I like to start with a real subject – this may be a place, feature, or object that interests, excites, or has meaning for me. I may be drawn to a view, the play of light and atmosphere of a place, or the effects of environmental or human influence. Shapes, forms, textures, and colours found in nature are important components of my work.


I use a range of techniques and materials and enjoy the different ways I can use these to express an idea, a design, or an interpretation of my chosen subject. I see my art practice as a continuous process of learning and experimentation; discovering and combining new and established techniques and materials to depict and interpret much loved subjects.

A short note on Trees and Woodland
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Trees and woodland hold a fascination for me and are an important and recurring theme in my art. For me they reflect my love and concern for the natural environment: when I draw and paint them I am not only trying to capture their visual qualities but also looking at something that is at the heart of the natural world with their own stories to tell of their life and the landscape in which they sit.


I love their individual characteristics, their form and shapes, the patterns and textures of trunks, boles, branches, twigs and bark and the way their leaves filter and reflect light and change colour with the seasons. But look closer and each tree or piece of woodland tells a host of underlying stories – of why it is there, of the animals and plants that call it home, of how it has responded to its environment or the influence of man. This may be expressed in many ways, such as the stunted growth in a difficult environment, the hidden and accumulated narrative of a veteran tree's life, the ordered pattern of an avenue or olive grove, or the timeless beauty of ancient woodland.


Trees play a crucial role in the natural world and landscape in which they sit. At this critical time in our planet’s history it is vitally important that we not only celebrate and enjoy them but make every effort to protect and plant them.

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When I discovered printing I immediately hooked. Having tried a number of different techniques I was drawn to collagraphs. I really enjoy the process of the plate making: the use of and sculpting of collaged materials seemed a natural extension to my use of textural materials in my paintings. I find  the shapes, textures and organic qualities of the resulting printed image exciting and well suited to the depiction of my favourite subjects of landscapes, trees and woodlands, allowing me to capture their forms, shapes textures, and patterns.


Printing has unlocked a door to a whole new world, offering me a different direction and new ways of exploring and interpreting my favourite subjects With time and practice the possibilities of printing techniques and processes has opened up – the different ways of inking a plate, use of multiple plates, combining different printing techniques are all things I am discovering and exploring.                                                                        All images copyright Andrew Morgan

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